
Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm Walkin on Sunshine (And Don't it feel Good!)

Just a quick update to yesterday's blog post. Wow.
The Universe may not revolve around me, but I certainly see how it can feel that way to each of us from time to time.

A couple of months ago, I was running out of unemployment benefits and had still not found a job.  My benefits expired on a Friday. My new job started on a Monday.  I had stressed, cried, and worried about how we would be able to continue paying rent and the bills, and it wasn't until I accepted that Life would take care of me, that all would be well, and that help was on the way, did my job finally show up - in perfect timing.

And, (coincidentally?) after writing my blog post yesterday about my lack of acceptance and negative feelings toward the chilly weather we've been having, I enjoyed today's weather: A clear blue sky, a bright warm sun, and warmth so enjoyable that my partner and I were able to eat lunch outside during my lunch break.

I took this photo with my cell phone at that time.

Acceptance. Trust. Releasing. It works!

Debbie aka Sulilo <---- SUn LIght LOve

And now a little song to celebrate:

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