Perhaps it was a minor state of delusion, having been up at an unmentionable hour to transport my partner to work (yes, he insisted on going to work before he has surgery on Thursday), and then commuting 45 minutes back in the opposite direction in order to reach my workplace by 8 am...but as I switched through the radio dials (not something I normally do - I love the stations on my presets and usually have a good CD en to as well)...I came across a song by Tom Petty, and it transported me to somewhere else.
The only lyrics I remember are from the chorus, "I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings." This struck me as very poetic, and the music with very soft, faint background vocals gave the song an ethereal feel. I wished that it had gone on for much longer than it had.
I had imagery of an angel training for flying who hadn't quite yet received her wings. Then I thought about how Life sometimes trains us for certain events, circumstances, or relationships. We may not feel fully equipped to handle what has been placed before us, but if we think about it from the Angel's perspective, (and Tom Petty's), these training sessions can be summed up as, "I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings." Life will cause us to sprout the wings when the timing is just right. We just need to Trust and do what we know we need to do. The wings will arrive on time.
Here's the Tom Petty song, in case you'd like to check it out and perhaps be transported yourself.
Please enjoy. The video is pretty neat, too. :-)
Debbie aka Sulilo
I found the angel picture here.
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